Oh oh oh Olivia!
A precious little tot… who let me chase her around and shared her hugs and giggles.
We started off at their home where Olivia was all about rockin’ and rollin’!
She’s a mover and a shaker and totally adorable.
May I please nibble on those chubby cheeks?
Her mommy and daddy had a ton of energy chasing around sweet O and playing games with her!
We finished off at this little spot I’ve been dreaming of shooting of recently.
It provided a nice cozy and natural backdrop for this gorgeous autumn.
D, B, &O…
Thank you so much for sharing your evening with me.
You guys are a beautiful family full of patience, love, and sincerity.
May the Lord continue to bless your lives.
HI Arden, Congrats on baby #4! As always I love your work. I was curious what your settings typically are for your kiddos who are constantly on the move in your sessions like this one. When I zoom into my images at 100% the details seem super bland and almost run together even with sharpening actions run on them. Your images seem to keep detail very nicely. I was told its from shutter shake because I shoot as low as 160 and up but I could’ve sworn I’ve seen your SS that low and your image details seem remarkably in tack! I’ve been doing this for 3 years and have read all the books and blogs and still am dumbfounded at what the issue or setting could be that’s preventing my images for looking as lovely as yours….and I don’t mean in a comparison way (I get told not to compare myself to other photographers) but to me its a technical issue and not a comparison issue. Thanks for hearing my rank. Have a blessed and lovely day!