Hey folks… so I thought I would start a weekly “pregnancy” week by week blog’isode.
I hope you guys are not totally annoyed and “over” this fourth addition by the time he/she arrives!
Shareen is going to take photos of me each week to show my belly growth and challenge me to put on make up, keep my nails trendy and try to dress funky/cute.
Eeeek, the pressure!
Fourteen Weeks
Hello My Baby Blueberry.
This week mama has had a cold, which has been quite annoying.
I am slowly getting my energy back, the first trimester knocked me on my tooshie some days.
Snot either dripping or staying put in my nasal cavity… breathing is not easy at night and I am snotting on clients during the day; gross! 🙂
I have lost weight this week, probably because I am {ACTUALLY} not eating everything in sight. Swhoo!
I haven’t really been craving much… this week at all, just trying to chug water and be good.
We’ll see if I will crave more as you grow.
Something tells me you are NOT a girl, but I’ll keep playing this guessing game until we find out WHO you are.
{the question is… will we find out in two months… or the day you are born?}
Nighty Night my sweet bebs.
Shoes: Converse (duh)
Pants: Marshall’s Junior Dept Skinnies (that I won’t be able to squeeze into much longer)
Shirt: GAP Maternity
Necklace: Antique Store $8, holla!
Cute idea. You look awesome!
Thank KP!!
OMWord you are too cute for words! Congrats on your 4th blessing!!!
Thank you so much Jessie, definitely don’t always feel cute. 🙂
I was just there 8 weeks ago so I understand! Trust me though, you ROCK the belly 🙂
So, So cute!! Is it weird that I’m excited for my next maternity wardrobe?! Congrats on your little blessing!
Side note, how do you create your photo collages for the blog?
Luckily maternity is WAY more cool than it was back in ’03!
BLOGSTOMP, you can go ahead and start thanking me. 🙂
o my goodness… I just glanced at the website quick, I have a feeling I will be thanking you over and over! this looks fabulous! THANKSSS!!!
You are so precious! Love the photos! Also, I’m a converse fan, AND that color blue is one of my favorite colors! Haha! Can’t wait for the next blogisode! 🙂
Congratulations! Brave of you to consider waiting on finding out the gender. I did it with my two boys. One of life’s precious surprises. But I really wanted to find out myself. You look great and are an inspiration to all of us considering additions to our families! Doubt we will all get sick of your weekly posts. Keep them coming.
Awh thank you Amber! I thought it would be fun… and gives me an excuse to wake up and put make up on at least once a week. 🙂