I know last year, or perhaps the year before, people started posting things to be “thankful for” every day in November.
So, I thought – What better day to share some joyful news than today – the first day of November?
My Mister and I … and our three babes… are excited to announce the news of:
BABY JENKINS number four to join us in early May 2013.
Some may think we are crazy, but I know that children are a blessing from the Lord.
I feel so honored, humbled and grateful I am able to carry them in my womb.
Throughout my pregnancies I’ve thought about my precious friends and family who have struggled.
Guilt can overwhelm me and keep me silent, along with sadness that I cannot share this ease of fertility & pregnancy with other women,
but ultimately I know the Lord has his plan for each of us.
Children are a blessing, no matter how they join our home and family.
Once you hit a FOURTH pregnancy people will ask things like:
Were y’all trying?
Is your husband happy or excited?
Did you plan this?
Will you find out what you are having? (as we did NOT with our last)
Are you going to do another home birth?
How the heck are you going to work?
Are the kids excited?
Are YOU excited?
I am sure every couple has different answers.
I can say that WE are joyful, nervous, and excited.
Paul and I have known about this tiny blueberry (now around the size of a lime) since he or she was brand new… about three weeks in utero.
So, we are well into the reality of bringing one more babe into our fun and wild crew.
Sometimes the reality is overwhelming – especially when we are at a restaurant with our three kiddos and we are trying to shove food in front of all of them before someone starts screaming. 🙂
Other times the reality is sparkly and pretty… when we are watching the cute new moments our children create, the compliments from others of how wonderful and well behaved our children are, the kisses they give us, the hugs, snuggles and good choices they make.
It was a bit of a shock at first… though I never felt sad or worried about it.
Basically as soon as I can get pregnant after I’m finished nursing… I do. 🙂
I adore my children and think about our future – when they are older and we can have adult conversations and I can see them carry my grandchildren. That makes me warm and fuzzy… and excited to become a better parent day by day.
My job is wonderful and I refuse to give it up… it helps my soul, us financially and brings joy to my life.
I plan on having another home birth and I kind of want to find out what we are having!
The boys SO SO SO want a boy. I don’t know if anyone remembers that Pierson wished for a baby brother a few months ago.
He did the same thing a month before we were expecting Parx. Specifcally for a baby sister.
So, if God answers children’s prayers first… we’ll be blessed with a boy.
Boy or girl… we’ll all be in love and thrilled.
Having three children is A LOT of work.
We work hard to please them, clean up after them, care for and protect them, feed them, clothe them, cater to them – every hour of everyday.
It’s exhausting and you have to learn to be MORE selfless than you ever dreamed of… but you WANT to be.
You want to please these tiny, needy, cranky, precious, cuddly, stubborn and beautiful children.
I adore the role that I have been given.
I’ll add that this will be our last addition – if we are SMART enough in the future. 🙂
I pray for a healthy birth and baby… I pray this baby brings beautiful closure to our unique brood.
Bringing us joy, laughter, tons of love and our last set of baby snuggles.
It’s very bittersweet.
May you share in our joy – our journey – and our prayers!
(enjoy the images from early on to just yesterday… this womb has bumped out, like a magician waved his wand over night and then POOF – I am already wearing maternity clothes. Ay yay yay.)
Congratulations! 🙂
Thank you!!!
MUCH LOVE and congratulations to a beautiful lady – blessed are those who know you!
Oh Liz and you know, the feeling is mutual. 🙂 Thank you.
Yay, my favourite photographer is pregnant ! one more beautiful baby to come ! Congrats
Thank you, that is so sweet!!!!
SO happy for you and your growing family. Your words really touched my heart about how it is a struggle but so worth it! I can’t wait to see my children carrying my grandchildren and loving on the the way we have loved on our babies ♥ Your words said exactly how I feel about being a parent and how we treasure these little people that we are given!
You make beautiful babies and they seem so sweet from your pictures.
Enjoy this last time of being pregnant and those sweet baby snuggles that are the best!!!
Awh Barbie, what wonderful words. Makes me get all emotional “enjoy this last time being pregnant.” Booohooooooooo.
thank you.
Hi! i’m bailey, a recent-ish Founder of your photography! i want to persue photography yet i am only 16. but seeing you and the joy it brings you makes my heart happy:)I am in love with your work, your heart, and your love for your family, photography and Jesus and other things! I have looked through all of your photo blogs and love Every single one! I pray this babe brings you the most wonderful blessings this year!
Awh Bailey – why thank you so much!
I appreciate your love and words. I hope I can bring you joy and inspiration.
Many blessings!
<3 you too, Arden!
Congratulations! What a beautiful post… Praying for another healthy, happy baby & mommy. Your have a gorgeous family, thank you for sharing all the love with us blog-stalkers. 🙂
Oh Angie, thank you! I hope I am never too egocentric and that people enjoy our stories.
Never! ♥
Yay! Congratulations!!!!
Thanks K!
Congratulations! I gotta say, you HAVE to be the cutest pregnant lady I’ve ever seen! I loved your announcement – your sincerity and honesty – and those pictures – are amazing! Please keep us updated as you continue to grow 🙂
Thank you Kati! I appreciate that so much, honesty is the MOST important thing I believe. 🙂
You make such beautiful babies, you most definitely SHOULD bring at least one more into this world!! Congratulations!!!!
🙂 Why thank you, they surely will appreciate that!
CONGRATS ARDEN!!! Love your photos. You kiddos are lucky kids:-)
Oh I hope they feel that way, I am just as looney and impatient as the other. 🙂
Congratulations Arden! You look so pretty and love the Converse shot 🙂
Thanks Monica!!! 🙂
Congratulations to all of your beautiful family!!!
Yeah for big families, we have four kiddos too!
God Bless
Thanks Rose. You may need to give me advice! 🙂
Oh my goodness Arden! Congratulations! So happy and excited for you! 🙂
Thank you!
Congratulations Arden! That’s awesome, what a blessing=)
Thank you Sudha. Woot!
OH!!! Best news ever!!!!!! I am overwhelmed with joy for you and your family! And truly, what a wonderful way to start of “Thankful Thursdays”! Excited to keep up with your posts and updates on this precious new addition! Congratulations!
Why thank you Breanna! I appreciate your support! 🙂
Oh My Goodness!! Congratulations to you and your husband! You amaze me girl!! My brother and his wife have 4 kids, two boys and two girls and all I can think of is when they are older, their lives will be so fulfilling. Their life is pretty crazy but I adore my nephews and nieces and am SO lucky to have them all in my life!
Happy being prego!!!
It will be hard work for now – until forever I imagine. I just want to raise them to be really wonderful, compassionate, independent, God loving and intelligent adults!
Arden- You totally had this preggers to tears with what you wrote! You are such an awesome mom. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing posts and seeing all the fun pictures you post of your growing family. Congrats girlfriend! I know Chad and I want you to shoot some maternity shots of us soon when we get home either Christmas time or soon after! Love you! MUAH!
Did I know you were pregnant??!?? Awh Jack Sprat, YAY!!!! Let me know!
Will do! Yes, I’m due April 16th!
Soo Happy for you. Many congratulations from an ardent admirer.
Thank you and I adore your use of the special word ARDENT. 🙂
Congratulations Arden (& Paul)! As soon as I read you are expecting I immediately thought of your son & his wish you had posted about a few months back. Pierson must be thrilled & surely he feels he has a direct line to God 🙂 My husband & I have 6 children (16 – 29) & are waiting on the arrival of our 7th grandchild in May, so I do know how you feel. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy & your children’s lives as it will be all too soon when that will be remembering when…. <3 Can't wait til May to "meet" your newest & my newest addition! Wishing you an easy & healthy pregnancy, Helen
Awh what a sweet story of your life. Wow number seven already, congrats! I bet there are many many more to come! 🙂
Wow! Such wonderful news!
Thanks Kyla!!
Oh, that’s such wonderful news!
I love that you’re sharing your feelings of joy for the new little Jenkins and your empathy who may be struggling to receive the same blessing.
It shows your sensitivity and kindness. You are wonderful, and this child is another very lucky one to come to a loving home.
Oh Annie, thank you! I know we all have our ups and downs in life… and my heart breaks for others. 🙂
Thank you so very much!
What a beautiful post! Arden, you have touched my heart through your work and even more through these beautiful words! I’m the oldest of four and its a nice round number! Congrats on another blessing! You look beautiful! Hugs from Conroe, Texas
Why thanks so much Nancy. You and my son have the same role, he’s a MAJOR blessing to me. 🙂 I am sure you are to your mama too.
Omg!! Congratulations!!! I’m so excited and happy for your and the J-Crew!! Love your pictures of you and your baby bump! So precious! 🙂
Many blessings!!
Siomara 🙂
I love your sweet little title for us!! Thank you Siomara, truly.
Exquisite news – have been a long time follower now. Your family is delightful, and I look forward to keeping up with your family via the internet and your beautiful photography in the future. You’re inspirational!
Big hugs to you – enjoy!
Thank you Louise! I appreciate you taking the time to share your wonderful words. <3
Congratulations!! 🙂 I know how exciting this is– I’m in the same boat as you. Photographer in Dallas, mother of 3, and pregnant with baby #4- but due in April. 🙂 I experienced the same exact line of questioning–haha! People are the same everywhere, I guess. 😉 Thank you for posting such a wonderful post! ( and of course- love your work!)
Awh – congrats to you too! We are all the same, for sure. 🙂
Not only you are an aspiring photog, but you are an aspiring mom too..!! Congrats Arden, you rocks..!!! Yeeaah..!! I have three boys myself, and been telling myself: i’m done. But seeing you telling us that you will have another bundle of joy, made me think: “No..! I’m totally done..!” LOL. Once again, congratulations Arden, may God bless your family always. Love ya’ 🙂
Three BOYS – means extra energy. My girls eventually run out of steam. 🙂
Thank you so very much.
Awe!! I’m so happy for you! I will put you, the baby and your fam in my prayers. Can’t wait to follow your through this journey on FB and your blog.
Thank you so much!
Very happy for you, Paul and the babes. Children are definitely blessings. Congrats!
Thank you Kristin… this one is definitely making me slow down – that’s for sure! 🙂
Congrats Beautiful Mama! Pregnancy and being a mama looks good on you. I don’t think you guys are crazy at all. I truly believe we are given what we can handle. 🙂 Congrats Again!
Very true Nina, such wise words. 🙂 Thanks.
I love following you and your work and something about you just clicks with me. Reading this post makes me love you even more. I am a mother of 4, all girls. I have had two natural deliveries but I have not braved having one at home, my husband is kind of scared of that. I have shared your feelings of super fertility. Thanks for sharing this post with us. 🙂 I would love to hear more about how you balance the business with the kids. I have been slowly building a photography business and the business side of things needs a lot of work! 🙂
Always a lot of work – slowly, quickly, whenever! 🙂 Thank you so much…
I have FOUR as well!!!! Three boys and one little girl, and I have to say it balances things out. Yes, there is more work. Yes, you actually HAVE to have the larger vehicle now, but YES you have that much more love to give and receive! Good luck and congratulations!
I ALREADY have a larger vehicle and I’ve loved it! Pierson will get to sit like a lone ranger in the BACK far from any drool, whining and boogers. 🙂 Thanks and I hope I can pull off being a hip mama of four!
What an adorable pregnant lady you are! And what an AMAZING photographer. And what an inspiration !!! I found you on pinterest a long time ago- and have been following you on FB for quite some time. I admire your work and hope someday to be able to take photos half as nice as yours are 🙂 (I am working on it!) I have 4 children- the youngest is turning one on Saturday- 4 is a lot of work but ohhh so worth it. Many congratulations!
Wow, the baby is ONE. I cannot imagine 2014 when we’ll have our baby as a one year old!!! Thank you so much. 🙂
Oh my goodness! You are so awesome! I love love love those final fun shots of you! And WOW, you weren’t kidding, just like that you DO have a sizeable bump! Great share Arden. I wish for you a very healthy pregnancy! Congratulations to you and your gorgeous family!
Kristin thank you so very much. My bump is a rockin’. I am already wearing some maternity. Sigh. 🙂 Hoping it’s a strong and fast growing BOY!
This made my day.
I am amazed by how much your happiness and success brings me joy, and today I realize why. My husband and I both have small extended families spread all over the place and we long to for the feeling of something big and bustling…so we decided to create it ourselves. Our son has just turned a year and I often struggle with the balance of photographer, mother, wife, healthy placer of food on our table, house cleaner, and the list goes on…all on my own. Your happy little brood and honest love and sharing of your life doing much the same, is a sort of sanity. I am often inspired by both your beautiful work, how your manage your business and your beautiful family.
Number 4. What an incredible blessing. I wish you all all the love and health in the world. And today on a day made for choosing what we are free to choose, I am choosing to (determined even) to blog…something I’ve been ‘too busy’ to do in some time. Thank you Arden. You are a lovely spirit and have brought much joy to my life. God bless you all and the internet 😉
All my best,
Jack & Lola Photography
Why thank you! I definitely CANNOT do it all… and hire help with laundry, cleaning, photography and babysitting here and there! Best money I spend is on HELP. 🙂
I truly appreciate your kindness and support! 🙂
Sean and I just oogled through this post and your pictures. You are such a fabulous inspiration – we love the heck right out of you, little lady. Fingers crossed I can catch up to you soon!
Love – T & S
Love you guys so much, thank you for your UNDYING support, grace and love. I hope you got your images!!! 🙂
Hi Arden, our little family recently moved across our country (South Africa) so with the making sure everyone is happy, feeling safe and settled in their new environment, I have missed out on quiet a bit of your blog and work. I was so excited to see your pic on FB of the new babe on the way!
I pray that it all goes the way you desire and look forward to seeing updates!
God bless,
Awh Mariko – thank you so much! I hope your new place is thrilling and fulfilling.
Have a blast!
Hi Babe…I finally have gotten around to reading your lovely comments. We are so excited and happy for you and all of us. Take care of yourself. Love you, Dad
Thanks DAD!!! I am getting excited with each week passing… and THEN the girls start screaming and I snap into reality. 😉 haha, just teasing.
Here’s to a HEALTHY and beautiful babe.
oh momma! i have been off FB since august and can honestly i miss your posts so much. so i check on your website occasionally. what a surprise for all of your fans!! you seem to be a great mother…this baby is lucky and blessed to be born into your family!! congrats!!! i look forward to seeing more preggo pics!!
Thanks Darlena. Smart to stay off of FB! I wish I could… I’ve thought about it, but my biz runs off of it. At least I am pretty sure it does. 🙂 Thank you so much, love.
Yeah ! Félicitations Arden ! I’m so so happy for you ! I wish you a very healthy pregnancy !
Plein de bisous à toute ta jolie petite famille ! ♥
Awh, Merci Miss Giny.:)