My little Lakey Lou.
Well, it’s actually here.
Tomorrow, I get to meet your precious little face TOMORROW!
Daddy and I have done a good job at avoiding fear, worry, and a could-be reality.
We have been prepping for this day for the past few…
Tying up loose ends, placing orders, finishing projects, grocery shopping, cleaning the car, enjoying the {crazy} family and making room for your car-seat.
I am anxious and wonder how tonight’s sleep will be?
I have so much on my mind, but all prefaced with HOPE and GOD’S GLORY.
I haven’t broken down, I haven’t cried in a couple of weeks, I haven’t thought about bad things…
I just see YOU.
You – in my arms, lying on my chest, holding my finger, and bundled up next to me.
I’m often wondering if I should envision a brunette (yeah right) or blondie babe.
I always wanted you to take after Daddy, but I see you as a bright and spunky little toe-head.
Parx told me tonight that she cannot wait to give you a HUG!
Pierson has his BIG “STARR” test tomorrow, of course… and the following day as well.
They will be away from the hospital as we endure everything.
Trying to keep their minds off of surgery, NICU, the what if scenarios…
We have had an army of people praying for YOU, thinking of YOU and taking care of YOU.
One of Pierson’s precious classmates brought him a gift bag with check mix snack packs in it and said, “This is for your Mom.”
This little duder, decided that all on his own… to love on Pierson’s mommy. 🙂
We have had friends pop over and drop off little gifts of love and Pierson’s class provide us with so many things for our family today.
I really cannot say how heartwarming it is to be blanketed in love, support and Prayers.
That is when the tears start to come… from everyone’s devotion to YOU and our family.
I send a HUGE thank you to everyone, THEY have been MY ROCK!
What else can I say, right now?
I can tell you this…
Tomorrow is a magnificent day.
It’s a day the LORD made.
It’s your BIRTHDAY.
It’s the day that I get to finally meet you.
The day I get to see your warrior spirit in person.
I’ll get to hear you cry and watch you use your lungs to breathe.
I get to see your tiny fingers and toes.
See you move your legs and arms that have been poking me the past few months.
I get to pray over you, my new, stunning and tiny daughter.
Tomorrow we will start to get answers.
We will start to see God prepare his masterpiece… of your life and journey here with us.
We will see Him work through you, through your doctors, through us, through everyone thinking about you – my Baby Lake.
Tomorrow is a day that YOU will show me who is in charge… you my little warrior princess.
You are adored, loved, cherished and perfect.
I look forward to being your mommy, your one and only… MOMMY.
You hang in there and hey, I’ll be seeing you… tomorrow.
*We will cherish privacy of her birth and share details as we are emotionally ready.
Thank you for understanding and thank you all for the prayers.
(thanks my sweet boo!)
I’ve been thinking about you and hope that you have a wonderful day tomorrow with Baby Lake! I’ve missed you and those sweet, precious kiddos of yours! xoxoxoxo Nit Nat
You have to come by before you leave! Okay?
Praying for you, baby Lake and your sweet family tomorrow!
I appreciate you Michelle!
I will be thinking of you and your wee baby girl as she is welcomed to the world tomorrow! Such gorgeous photos of your girl to come!
Thank you so much Kiristin.
Prayers for a safe delivery!
Thank you Amanda.
Cant wait to meet and love on you Lake boo!!!!!!!!!!
Shareen Boo
My sweet S.Boo. 🙂 I’ll keep in touch… at some point.
I send lots of prayers and hugs. She is one lucky little girl with a beautiful kind mom and a wonderful family. I am also praying for a safe easy delivery. The bonus she will be born on my birthday:) It is a great day! God is good in him we find HOPE!
Awh, well happy birthday to you too! What a glorious day!
You will be in my prayers tomorrow as you deliver your precious baby!
I appreciate that Liz!
I’m not sure what CHD your baby girl has, but my nephew was born last June with Transposition of the Great Arteries. He had 2 surgeries and is doing great! Your daughter is in good hands. Heart babies are amazing fighters! I wish you the best tomorrow. My prayers are with you.
Thank you Pam!
Arden, I am going to bed praying for you tonight and sweet baby Lake! I pray for courage for tomorrow and for fear to absent. I pray for a peace that you feel at your core, and I pray that you will be reminded minute by minute that our Lord has got this! He saw this day long before you were even born and He is totally in control of HIS baby girl! I pray that your every need is met both physically and emotionally, and that all of those in contact with you will present only peace to your situation. Your family is so very loved and we will be anxiously awaiting and praying for a smooth transition tomorrow with no unexpected complications. Be blessed little momma, YOU CAN DO THIS!
Thanks Leslie, you are so much more used to this stuff… you strong mama! 🙂
Arden, my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family tomorrow. My prayers are not much, but I know God will hear all the prayers going up for your sweet baby’s health and well being at birth.
Thank you Sue.
I will be saying extra prayers for you all!!! One of my favorite poems that someone gave me after my own little heart warrior was diagnosed, was Welcome To Holland. It still brings tears to my eyes to read it. Our family may not have ended up in the place we thought it would, but where we landed was somewhere so amazingly beautiful. When (or if you already have) you read the poem you will know what I mean. 🙂 Peace and blessings to you and baby Lake….
Prayers and thoughts are with you Arden. Thinking of you and baby Lake today. Lots of love, light and healing vibes being sent to you from South Africa xx
Best of luck, love and prayers to you and your faily on the BIG day!!
Arden, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. You are an amazing women and I’m glad to know you and share how extraordinary you are!
I am praying for you, your family, sweet baby Lake and the doctors that will assist you. Your daughter is so lucky to have you! Hold on to your faith- the Lord is on your side and loves you so very much!!
You and your family are in our prayers. Take the time you need to focus on your family and you sweet little wee one. Everything and everyone else can wait.
Praying for you and your family and for Lake today Arden. And for the doctors and nurses. Blessings to you today!