A couple of months ago I realized I had a lump on my throat. I noticed I had been feeling it for a while, but didn’t ever think “Uh oh, that is a lump.”
I don’t know why I didn’t think about it and honestly I am not sure the first time I felt it, but it’s there and it’s of decent size.
Within a week I made an appointment with an ENT who seemed concerned about the lump.
I had a sonogram (in a separate lab and where I had to wait two weeks to hear the results), but my ENT couldn’t give me any for sure answers.
He said I had three options:
1. Wait to see if ITgrows more.
2. Schedule a biopsy to find out exactly what IT is.
3. Have IT removed.
For me – option 2 was the best option.
I didn’t want to let it grow not knowing if it could be something that would cause more damage.
I also didn’t want to have it removed if that wasn’t necessary.
Answers – that is what I wanted.
Simply put – Answers.
Last week I was able to go see a great Endocrinologist here in Fort Worth.
He was able to perform the actual sonogram right on the spot.
(last time I had to go to a separate lab and had results sent and a decent wait time of two weeks)
With him doing the sonogram he was able to review the pictures with me.
Dr. L was able to see a lot of inflammation in my thyroid.
He isn’t sure if this is just a postpartum thyroiditis or if indeed I have what my sister has – Hashimoto’s.
Hashimoto’s was once a more rare autoimmune disease, now it’s way more common… and I blame the FDA for these thyroid issues.
Hashimoto’s is where your body attacks your thyroid and kills it off.
I already have an autoimmune disorder – RH negative (my body can kill off a baby if they are RH positive and our bloods mixed in utero).
Hashimoto’s can cause terrible side effects that take away feeling like a normal and healthy human.
This was somewhat devastating to hear, BUT this isn’t an official diagnosis yet – so there is hope!
I asked him if it is indeed Hashi – why don’t I have any of the traditional symptoms?
The answer was simple:
“Because your body hasn’t killed off your thyroid or done enough damage yet.”
Now, this whole issue is SEPARATE from the lump or nodule.
Let’s address that, shall we?
The lump is on the left side of my thyroid and it’s a decent size (I totally forgot to ask him, but the last sono showed about 2.5cm).
My nodule didn’t show a significant separation from my muscle, which is concerning.
It also had blood flow around the perimeter, but luckily not internally (that wouldn’t be so great).
Apparently the nodule didn’t look so great on the sonogram and many many lymph-nodes on the left side of the thyroid appeared to be enlarged or inflamed.
What is scary is if my nodule is malignant (or the big C) than it could be passing it on to those lymph-nodes.
Not cool, man.
He also felt my nodule and it didn’t move around easily, which is another concern.
I went from having a 5% chance of “the big C” to 15-20% chance.
I know it’s still low, but it’s higher than it was.
Doc L recommended a gluten free diet, simply because my thyroid is so inflamed.
I hear gluten free can really change things – along with cutting back on hormone heavy meats and sugars.
Those of you that know me well, know that I have concerns with things we consume and the lack of regulations on what producers inject and spray all over the food we consume.
Gluten – oh how I love thee, let me count the ways.
Now, I know that giving up gluten is not that big of a deal in 2015.
He also suggested a pescaterian diet (fish and veggies only).
The hormones in our meats could really be messing with our hormones.
It’s sad how many people I know that have thyroid diseases, cancers, removal, etc. – and all fairly young women!
IF it is “the big C” then I will also have to quit nursing sweet Gwen.
This will take place IF I need radioactive iodine, which can go into my milk ducts and which could potentially cause “the big C” in the breasts as a result!
Which will of course break my heart, but a girl’s gotta do, what a girl’s gotta do. 🙁
These are all some “what if” scenarios though, so I am keeping my chin up.
I will find more about the what ifs next week.
The biopsy is this Friday and follow up is next Thursday to discuss the results.
If you would like to specifically pray for me, I would truly appreciate it.
1. That the inflammation is due to postpartum thyroiditis and not an autoimmune disease or long term thyroid issues.
2. That the lump on my throat shows to be “the big C” free – that it is benign and easily cured.
3. That my thyroid stays healthy and free of illness, nodules, inflammation, and is a healthy acting thyroid.
Thank you for reading part of a new journey.
I know many women have been on this journey.
Several people tell me it’s normal or the most “curable” type of “the big C.”
Let me say… This is definitely NOT normal… it may be more common, but it’s not what I call “normal.”
AND no one wants any sort of “the big C” in their body – ever.
While it may be a better kind to have, it’s still scary.
Feel free to share your thyroid story with me!
I am being optimistic and hopeful… and will probably be a ball of nerves on Friday.
(My two eldest joined me on this appointment and they bring me joy and peace.)
I am so sorry you have to worry about this. Not knowing is hard. I have two autoimmune issues, too, and I have to be constantly vigilant about checking for the big C and any new autoimmune issues. It stinks when your body wants to fight itself. It is hard, but be patient with yourself while you get things under control. Gluten is everywhere, so be mindful of everything from medicines to personal care products. It’s also hard to do if there are gluten eating people in the house, so it may actually help if everyone else goes gf too, at least at home. You may be able to eat some meats, as long as you use hormone free sources like grass fed and organic. That’s what I do. You eat less, because it is more expensive, but in the end it is worth it to not have to worry about the potential side effects. Could be good for your ladies as well. Maybe the silver lining is that your children learn to eat a diet that will be less likely to cause inflammation for them in the future? Good luck, and I’ll be sending you positive thoughts.
Thank you Katherine… I know that eating as healthy and pure as possible will be the best option for us. We aren’t the worst eaters, but not the best either. I will continue to make healthier choices that avoid gluten and high sugar content. Thank you so much, Arden
I’ll be praying for you, Arden. Hugs!
Thank you Kim!
First I would.like to let you know you have been in my prayers…..and I will continue to pray for you!
Secondly I know what you are going through…not exactly in a sense that I had the same thyroid issue, but I found a lump in my neck weeks after my fourth babe was born. I was scared, had it checked, didn’t move, had to have an ultrasound, then biopsy, which unfortunately they didn’t get good enough sample, frustrating yes, after having to wait and still no answers. So then we went the ct route and I was nursing. I consulted a lactation consultant and read alot and found that I could cont. To nurse after hours of the ct, I worried about that too. This was all supposed to be a happy time, and I was a ball of nerves. Everything went through my head, day and night, but I prayed hard. The ct didn’t give us any more definite that it wasn’t cancerous, so surgery was inevitable😭. They said sooner the better but I needed my littlest to be on bottle which never worked out so she could have breast milk the day of surgery, and food just in case! So when she was 6 months old I had surgery, she did great, my mom, and hubby did all they could for her to drink, she ate lots of food that day, I had to stay over and she stayed in hotel with my hubby, which was tough (because unbeknownst to me she had an ear infection😭) she screamed…i finally had her brought to me at 6 am and waited to be released. They got preliminary results back after surgery and it was benign and gone from my body, thank god! Yours will be too! Explore your options for nursing, I know alot of people will tell you things, know your options! Hugs to you and I have faith you will be fine💜 we have to be right!
Thank you so much Erica – that is great to hear. I know I am in the shoes as so many others… your story is so similar.
Sorry to hear your thyroid news. My husband has Graves Disease (autoimmune but hyperthyroid) and I have multiple thyroid cysts that require monitoring so we know all too well about thyroid problems. Prayers this is only a postpartum problem. I know Fort Worth has great doctors, but if it comes down to needing surgery, we would absolutely recommend Shelby Holt MD at UTSW in Dallas. She is the DFW known expert thyroid surgeon and specializes in thyroid cancer surgery, nodules, etc… She removed my husbands entire thyroid and was able to save the parathyroid glands. He had a wonderful team there, no complications or complaints from us. If you are considering the radioactive iodine treatment, if it comes to that, I would look at the pros and cons of that vs surgery as well.
Thank you so much Brooke! Yes my sister warned me about the iodine too… I am so new to this and don’t have all of the information about this process. I do not want my entire thyroid removed if it comes down to that. 🙁
You are in my thoughts! I had a similar story and was, as I am sure you are, quite terrified at the end possibilities. After my biopsy it came back normal and turned out it was just postpartum related. I am hopeful that yours will be the same! Keep your head up strong mama <3 We're with ya!
Thank you so much Erica!
I am so sorry to hear this, Arden! I have been a huge fan of your work for a long time and have followed your family more closely since Lake was born. I went through the same scenarios as you after the birth of my fourth child, and luckily had my biopsy return a negative result. I have a friend undergoing the radioactive iodine treatment in a few weeks, so this topic is fresh on my mind. I will pray for you and your health. You have always inspired me- thank you for your example and best wishes 🙂
Wow, thanks so much Katie! I appreciate you sharing your story!
I’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism since 2005 and it sucks. Is Dr.L for Lackan? I get checked yearly for nodules already but it still scares me. Even if it’s an easier cancer to have. Hope everything turns out okay for you!
Yes ma’am – that is him. I really enjoyed his demeanor and advice! I am sorry Anne, that is a bummer.
Praying for you Arden. The art you create is such a light in this world. Hug your babies and find peace knowing that so many people are sending prayers and good thoughts your way.
Oh Barbara – what a wonderful thing to hear. Thank you!
I have hashimotos. GFcis the first thing I would do! Stay away from surgery as long as is possible. Good luck. Many prayers
Thank you Kathryn! 🙂
Prayers to someone i totally admire, Arden Prucha Photography as she goes through yet another difficult time. Praying for good news and no Big C to be found. Lord watch over her and her beautiful family. Bless them and keep them strong. I pray for a good result and health and happiness to her Lake and all her family along with their new baby daughter Gwen. Amen
Arden, I think you are an amazing photographer and individual, I totally admire your work and your attitude towards others and life and how you handle yourself and let us look into your life and feel as if we have been friends forever. Thank you for sharing your life, your story, your trials, your family, your talent, your Lake, and now your news and pray for positive results.
My sister has been treated for hashimoto’s disease. Sorry that you have to go through this. I know how it feels. You’ll be always in my prayers. Good luck.
Thank you!
Just read this- I also have Hashimoto’s and nodules. Mine have been biopsied and aren’t cancerous, now I have to have them ultrasounded every so often- so far so good :). I’m also gluten free- going on 6 years! Its such a strange disease! It affects different people differently, some get lots of side effects, some, just a few. I got the weight gain that won’t go away! 🙁 Oh well, better than some of the other options.
Love your work. Good luck!
Thank you Kristine! I am so sorry that you are going through similar stuff.