My dear friend, and fellow photographer Sabrina Gebhardt Photography, and I have decided to come together to bless one Fort Worth family in a big way. As two mothers who have experienced the highs and lows of motherhood, we feel called to celebrate one special family. We are looking for someone who is currently pregnant and overcoming obstacles. Whether you are recovering from a loss, had a challenge getting pregnant or are facing other pregnancy-related trials, we want to know about it.
Arden and I want to gift one lucky family with a FREE maternity session and FREE newborn session. And that isn’t the best part! Arden and I will be working together, in tandem, at both shoots!
To qualify you must currently be 30-34 weeks pregnant and live in the Fort Worth area. We want to hear your story. We want to celebrate your baby. We want to bless your family!
To apply, please click the following link and use password: SGPAPP2016
*Applications will be accepted through Sunday 2/21. Feel free to tag friends or share this post.